Includes information on 60+ healthcare centers across New Jersey!
About RRP
The goal of the Refugee Resource Project is to improve healthcare access to underserved populations in New Jersey by streamlining the process of finding free, pro-bono, or low-cost health clinics. The directory …
Includes a list of healthcare sites across New Jersey separated by county
Displays information including site locations, hours of operation, health services provided, appointment scheduling, and insurance accepted at each site.
Provides an easy-to-use directory that centralizes healthcare information for underserved populations.
Makes the process of accessing affordable healthcare less cumbersome
Refugee Resource Website
In partnership with Welcome Home RU, they have developed a comprehensive website that offers an array of essential resources to Refugees and (Im)migrants, . The website’s user-friendly design ensures easy navigation. The website includes…
A translation feature to translate the website content into your own language
A diverse range of medical, legal, transportation, and English-learning resources