Refugee Health Literacy Program
The Problem
Refugees and (im)migrants face Limited English Proficiency, a social determinant that creates a barrier to health care, and lower levels of health literacy,
“LEP and low health literacy leads to decrease in patient comprehension of medical provider, decreased access to care, and patient adherence.”
“There is a direct association between low levels of health literacy and poor health status”
“Adults with low health literacy are less likely to manage their health, seek health information, and know about preventive behaviors”
These issues are further compounded for refugees and (im)migrants who face language and cultural barriers, and lack of access to healthcare information and services in their new countries.
The Solution: R-HELP
The Refugee Health Literacy Program (R-HELP) is a health education initiative designed to increase health literacy levels of refugees and (im)migrants. Using both didactic and participatory-based activities, refugees and (im)migrants can learn about necessary health topics to help them navigate the U.S healthcare system.
We recognize teaching refugees and (im)migrants takes special consideration of the unique barriers these populations face. We address cultural and linguistic considerations when offering our classes. We routinely utilize interpreters and practice sensitivity to different cultures and beliefs, having taught refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, and other countries.
We address transportation barriers that can occur by offering our classes both in-person and virtually. Our classes are tailored toward refugee-specific health concerns through a Needs Assessment we conducted with our partners to understand what health topics refugees struggled with and what they would like to learn about.
Participatory-Based Activities
We strive to utilize Participatory-Based Activities throughout our classes. Research has shown that it can provide several advantages including increased engagement, collaboration, and communication skills. Participants can engage in fun activities to help reinforce the material we teach, helping them stay motivated and enjoy our presentations! Take a look at some of our activities!
The Human Body Class explores names of external body parts, organ names and function. Participants engage in mock scenarios simulating a real-life doctor-patient interaction to convey expression of pain in various body parts